Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hold Fast

Hold fast to your faith, for if faith is lost
Life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
Faith is a substance that you cannot hold
In your hand, nor can you visualize it.

But you can know the bid-products of faith,
The joy, the peace and hope that lies within
Every believer; without faith it is impossible
To please our God, so says His Holy Word!

If you have faith you can see God, for He is
Everywhere in this world of ours, and you
Can have a place reserved for you in heaven.

But Satan roams about like a roaring lion
Seeking whom he may devour, beware he
Wants to steal your faith, he wants your soul!

Hold fast, don’t allow life’s adversities to
Rob you of your faith. Temptations will come,
Be assured and watch, and always be ready.
Satan will come at the least expected moment.

Watch, Pray, and be Ready!

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