Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Living Strands

Living your life for Christ grows,
Daily dwelling upon His word.
Like strands reaching outward
Touching others with His love.
Sharing faith causes it to grow.
Grasp it to self and it withers.

Living your life for Christ grows.
What is within you surely shows.
Like strands reaching outward
They draw others towards Him.
They in turn want to tell others.
Soon a chorus of praise is raised.

Living your life for Christ grows.
Not a single cell it now multiplies.
Like strands reaching outward
That vital cell builds upon itself,
For God’s word will not return void
This has been His promise to us.

Isaiah 55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” King James Bible - (Exhortation to seek the Lord)

Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword., it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” NIV

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Prayer

It is my joy in life to find
At every turning of the road
The strong arm of a comrade kind
To help me onward with my load.
And since I have no gold to give
And love alone must make amends,
My only prayer, is while I love...
God make me worthy of my friends.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Be the Best

Begin in the morning of each new day.
Determine with God’s help in every way;
Endeavour to be the best that you can be,
So that who you represent everyone can see.
God says the eyes are the window of the soul.
Christ as seen in you is your every day goal.
Don’t measure your life by those that you see,
For it is God Himself that is looking at Thee.
Christ is the overseer guiding what you do.
And it is He alone who sees the “secret you”.

To others your best may not be good enough,
Lay hold of His word when the road is rough.
And rest assured, He says:”Lovest Thou Me?”
“Lovest Thou Me “ more than all that you do?
“Lovest Thou Me” more than acquiring too?
Being your best is having faith that the rest
Left to the Master, it will withstand the test.
For all the trials of this world dost ill afford.
By faith God’s best will bring you accord.
Simply trust in the power of the risen Lord!

N.B. The last three lines of this poem really spoke to my heart, and it is obvious to me in my struggle right now with displaced hips due to the motor vehicle accident.

“Afford” according to the dictionary, can also mean “Without much inconvenience.”

“Accord” can also mean “To agree or harmonize.”

SO “The trials of this world will not cause me inconvenience for if I trust in the power of the risen Lord I will find I have agreement and harmony with Him”. This pain will cause me less inconvenience if I learn to trust in God’s power.