Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Poor and Our Prayers

Blessed is he who is kind and caring to the needy.
The man who is hungry should not be seen as greedy.

If a man shuts his ears to the cries of the poor,
He too shall cry out, and God will not hear but ignore.
His prayers, though  they seem earnest God does abhor.

A bad attitude to the less fortunate spoil your prayers.

To reach God’s ears you must open your heart.
Your attitude must change, and His love impart.
Your response to the needy is a skeleton key.
That will open the door to the way you should be
If you are walking with the Lord you can never afford 
To say that you are a Christian living in accord 
With the word of the Lord, hidden in your heart.
No man can serve two masters it will tear you apart.

Pray for the needy, ask God to guide in your giving.

Then wait for the Spirit to guide all your daily living.

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