Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Reaping What You Sow

The Bible speaks so many times about reaping what you sow.
There are parables Jesus taught us that surely we all know.
When you think of sowing, all sorts of things come to mind.
Sowing seeds of tenderness must surely mean you are kind.
But winds can blow and scatter the most hardiest of seeds.
Those that dig in and travel so, surely they are but weeds!
Roots that require digging out from lots of wayward places.
You need to dig deep, getting right down to their very bases!

To ensure a better harvest one needs to prepare the ground.
Seeds just left, untended with no caring sower to be found.
No water,which is important in order for seeds to germinate.
Sowing takes much patience too, we need to be able to wait
Seeds scattered on stony ground will never go down deep.
Birds come and eat the seeds, especially if the ground is steep
Other seeds burn amidst the rocks wedged along the wayside.
Just like man you will find you need some form of pesticide.

How like our lives sowing is if we want to garner a harvest..
We will reap just what we sow if we live a life of excess.
God’s word says, “Those that plow evil and those who
Sow trouble will surely reap it”, and “Sow the wind and
Reap a whirlwind”, so many scripture verses tell us to beware.
Jesus warns us of these things so that we can take more care.
For in our lives things come along that can destroy our serve.
We must be vigilant, looking around, learning to observe.

CHALLENGE YOU today to take the time to look them up and learn from them like I did. It will surely create lots of thought about sowing and reaping in your lives.

Hebrews 12:11 ~ 2 Corinthians 9:10 ~ James 3:18 ~ Luke 10:2 ~ Matthew 9:37 ~ Deuteronomy 16:15, Matthew 13:18 ~ Job 4:8 ~ Hebrews 8:7 ~ John 4:36 ~ Isaiah 3:18 ~ Hosea 8:7 ~ Matthew 13:18

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