Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Morning Praise

Let’s Praise Him Hosanna sing out loud and clear,
Blend your voices in harmony raised up as a cheer

For you are the children of God
For you are the children of God

Sing out, sing out, unite your voices in song.
Let everyone know that its to Him you belong.

For you are the children of God
You are the children of God

If you do not praise Him the rocks will cry out.
When you are excited you dance and you shout.

For you are the children of God
You are the children of God.

Let’s do what He planned and bend to His way
He gave up His life so we wouldn’t have to pay.

For you are the children of God
You are the children of God

You were created to worship Him and honour His name.
You call yourself Christians yet often feeling shame.

For you are the children of God
You are the children of God

The sun is rising and the SON will be back soon.
So sing with your heart and create your own tune.

For you are the children of God
You are the children of God