Friday, June 29, 2012

God's Word

Scriptures are guideposts showing the way.
They are also the Spirit's guide when we pray.
Words penned by man but inspired by God.
Ensuring in battle our feet are well shod.

Scriptures tell of God’s love revealing the cost
That was paid for our sins, His Son on the cross.
The Bible is a shining light pointing the way,
And it is the words therein leading us to pray.

Scriptures are the way we learn and we grow.
So precious is God’s word, we need to know
God’s word ordains and the Spirit sustains,
Food for our minds and heaven still remains.

Scriptures need to be  hidden in our hearts,
That way when Satan throws his fiery darts
The Spirit gives answers from God’s word,
We respond with what we’ve read and heard.

“Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee.”

Thursday, June 14, 2012


You, my Redeemer, give me such hope!
You bring joy after sorrow, peace after anxiety.
You who offers mercy after waywardness.
You who serves as my refuge in trouble.
You gather me up when I am in pain,
You ease my afflictions with Your words.

Weeping only endure but for a season,
But joy surely comes in the morning!
You have taught me to trust in You,
And not rely on the promises of men.
This world is not my home; here I serve,
I long for the day I will kneel before You!

I gather up ‘hope’ as a treasure in my hands.
And I warm it daily with Your Words.
It is as sweet savour, food for my body.
Nourishment for my mind which desires
To dwell on Your promises, for therein
Is the blessed hope of eternity with You!