Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kind Words

Kind words make such good echoes.
They touch one person and then move on.
Until the echo reverberates all around,
Soon telling others of the happy sound.
People giving loving gifts of kind words!

Kind words make people feel so good.
Echoes come back to you unchanged.
Nothing added, deleted or re-arranged.
Words reverberate as you hear the sound.
God loves it when kind words are found!

Kind words are like music to the ears.
Speak as you would like to be spoken to.
God’s word instructs you what to do.
When angry words are hurled at you
The Spirit speaks words through you too!

Kind words start your day out right.
Setting your sights on God’s daily path.
A soft answer soon turneth away wrath.
Living for God teaches us how we can give
Witness as Christians so others too can live!

Ephesians 4:31 & 32   “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our Lives

Our lives are like songs
But God writes each word.
Set to the music of His will
The sweetest ever heard.
We can conduct our lives to the
Music created for His pleasure.
Each beat we can choose to fashion
Each and every measure.
And the songs can be sad, or
They can be sweet and glad.
It depends upon the amount of time
We have spent with God alone.