Thou lovest the very worst part of me.
Thou seest the person You want me to be.
My life is laid bare before Your eyes.
His aim is ever to fill my heart with lies.
I confess, will not regress, and will him
You are my father forever, still after I die.
Your judgement is sweet before the confessional
Rid Satan’s pestilence before it causeth my
Given chance, he fills my mind with filth and
He urges me to rid myself of guilt and
Enticing me to forget my God, despite all He has
done for me.
I commandeth him to flee from me in Jesus name
for I now see
That he has fear at the mention of Jesus’ name
and His blood.
The Bible is clear to me, Christ gave me His
I thank thee Lord for leaving us your Spirit
You speak to me and tell me forever You are by
my side.
Lifeblood: The blood required to give us life.
Romans 8:11 “The Spirit of God, who
raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.”