He who walks the way of the pilgrim is he whose
heart is rooted in prayer.
To be rooted in prayer one has to learn to live
the life of a pilgrim a wanderer.
We are in this world but not of it; we are
longing for our permanent home.
Our pilgrimages are not to a holy place of this
world but rooted in the next.
We have a known destination, and do not wander
around this world of ours,
‘Unless called by God to be a preacher or a
missionary as a spiritual activity.’
To us, as evangelical Christians, our pilgrimage
is to search out God more,
We trust completely in the Spirit’s guidance,
and lean on God’s word.
Being a pilgrim is from the heart of man and
reaches God’s very heart.
If we are doing it for recognition or public
affirmation it is of nought.
The repetition of certain words prayed to God is
not relevant enough.
The “pray without ceasing” Paul spoke of is the
rejoicing evermore,
And the giving on thanks in all things which is
the will of God in Christ.
Repetition of certain words gives no allowance
to the moving of the Spirit.
For how can the Spirit of God bring things to
your mind if you are just
Ensconced in the repetition of words; if the
Spirit moves you to praise
God He will bring things to your mind which you
need to acknowledge.
To just repeat “I confess”. “I confess” leaves
no chance for the Spirit to
Speak to you with regards to restitution or
works of service we need to do.
Christ does not want a pilgrimage of a thousand
steps, He wants your heart.