Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Bitter Root

Let me share with you the story of the Albizia Tree;
The fastest growing tree in the world.

Jesus used parables to teach people, so similar to analogies.
Read this story of the Albizia tree, be amazed at its ecology.
Grows primarily in Malasia, used for many things, has amazing etiology.
The Guinness Book of Records says “fastest growing tree in the world”.
Its root system is deep, wide and invasive, compared to an underworld.
When you plant by seed you water it well ...  Water for five long years!
Somewhere in its fifth year, a small strong above-ground sprout appears.
It will reach a metre, three feet, in height within that first growing year.
Those first five years it is slowly developing its strong deadly root system.
You can but imagine how far that it travels, in that amazing subsystem!
Its bark is poisonous, very hard and very thick; it would make you sick.
Imagine, five years before you even see that small, hard, poisonous stick!
Deep underground it is working hard to create its strong foundation.
It could tip your house, go through a roof, or unearth a railroad station.
It reminds me of the stealth of sin, especially the sin of unforgiveness.
We often compare it to a deadly cancer because of its aggressiveness.
But the sin of unforgiveness spreads its tentacles within our hearts.
Builds up, and then, with that smallest sprout goes “poof” and starts

A volcano of black roiling lava from your mouth begins to spout
Angry, spiteful words, unforgiveness, bitterness  hate and doubt.
All Satan’s lies, deception, the evil bitter root begins to spew out.
If we would recognize what Satan’s lies within our minds can do.
He wants to weaken and destroy our faith, and even kill us too.
As Christians we must wake up to the havoc of unforgiven sin
That can dwell and grow inside us until we allow Christ to begin
To shine and enter every room of our hearts and minds within.
Begin to sweep every corner, shining His light upon every sin.
It starts out small, just like that seed, and burrows deep within,
Until you ask God’s Spirit in your heart to forgive and deliver you
From Satan’s bitter roots, and asking the Spirit to begin anew.
Destroying the root of years of unforgiveness, and resentment too.
All of Satan’s lies and wiles that have built up over years and years.
The Holy Spirit, Our Guide and Helper, redeems or commandeers
God’s child who ignored the planted seed and destroys that bitter root.
And reclaims that child of God so that he can bear much fruit.
Albizia’s seedpods are light and travel on gusts of air. Once they land, seedpods can lay dormant in the earth until they are ready to sprout. So when the trees are removed, they are not gone. I would suspect that there is probably a substantial seed bank waiting to germinate and come back.

Crews cut or drill holes into the bark and drip a concentrated herbicide, killing the tree from the inside without affecting the surrounding foliage”.: 

MATTHEW 6:15 “But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive you.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Removing Boulders

During my life I have struggled in vain,
Trying to remove obstacles, but it was plain
Removing boulders was too difficult for me.
Perfection in my daily walk, don’t you see?
It was never God’s intention do it alone.
In fact difficulties multiplied like seeds sown.
I know He had constantly assured the “ME”
Some of the boulders He could readily see
Were not even intended or helpful in my life,
They were causing me such needless strife.
I  tried in vain rocky mountains to climb.
Feeling such problems were obviously mine.
I wept at my inadequacy, as others pressed on.
Searching for answers, I sought God’s Son
If only I had swift wings, I silently prayed
I could soar over difficulties undismayed.
“But you have feet”, God’s answer came.
“If you want to scale mountains to proclaim
My promises that I sent you in Jesus’ name.

Some ledges are really not meant to climb.
Boulders are hard, they are unable to bring
People good news of My love in everything,
I placed My Spirit as a guide to go before you,
Be prepared, pray before everything you do.
Rocky promontories are there further ahead.
Look up and pray, scale the heights,” He said
Those obstacles that I struggled to overcome
Became less of a burden in light of God’s Son.
The ones I had tried to shove out of my way
Were stones to climb upon, I heard Him say.
Not to cause me to stumble but to set me free.
Worries and troubles that so easily entangle me
While, You, Lord, intended them to help my walk,
By Your Spirit given grace to reach out and talk.
Boulders are burdens that should be given to You,
Boulders are worries, I should give to You too!
2 Corinthians 10:4 & 5 ~ “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ,”
James 3:2 ~ “We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.”