Lord, please open my eyes to the needs I see around me.
Silence my voice to criticism, comparison and judgment.
When I speak, let it be with love and Your understanding.
Make us one in the body as You Father taught your followers.
The Lord’s table represents community bound permanently.
We are not becoming the body of Christ, we are the body.
We are related to one another as believers, one could say
We have the same DNA, because we have the same Father.
We are in a covenant relationship with God as a community.
Unity is a miracle, we who are many form one single body.
One body with many members, but each belongs to the other.
We do not have the same function, but we have the same heart
We are in a covenant relationship with God as a community.
Unity is a miracle, we who are many form one single body.
One body with many members, but each belongs to the other.
We do not have the same function, but we have the same heart
And the same mouth, so that we glorify our God and Father.
The church is useless without arms and legs to do God’s will.
We all have different uses, special talents that should be used.
Ensure yours are not wasted in the minutiae of life, but fulfilled
The church is useless without arms and legs to do God’s will.
We all have different uses, special talents that should be used.
Ensure yours are not wasted in the minutiae of life, but fulfilled
In the service of our Lord, for is it not written in His word,
That greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world?
God does not renege on His promises, they are the same today.
Remember we are here to live in one accord, glorifying our Lord.
Divisions and politics will be forgotten as we seek His face first.
The Word says “Make God’s joy complete by being of the same mind.
Maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose”.
Our unity will be effected by genuine selflessness and meekness,
God does not renege on His promises, they are the same today.
Remember we are here to live in one accord, glorifying our Lord.
Divisions and politics will be forgotten as we seek His face first.
The Word says “Make God’s joy complete by being of the same mind.
Maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose”.
Our unity will be effected by genuine selflessness and meekness,
The example of Christ; He has shown us alight .... now let us all
Go in His peace, breaking the shackles of this “ME” generation.
May the Lord give you the Spirit of Unity uniting in a common cause.
Until at last we reach that unity He longs for us to all have,
May the Lord give you the Spirit of Unity uniting in a common cause.
Until at last we reach that unity He longs for us to all have,
that “One in the Spirit, that harmony of minds that is music to His ears.