Thursday, November 8, 2018

Cultivate, Create & Consume

To grow a flourishing garden you cannot just cultivate the soil in a garden,
and clear out all the roots and weeds, 
You need to turn over the soil, allowing oxygen to enter the soil, 
before you even begin planting seeds.
It is the same with your life, you ask God to cultivate your life and rid it of sin.
God creates a sterile growing area to receive
We ask God to “create in us a clean heart, Oh Lord,
and renew a right spirit within me,” the Holy Spirit, in whom we believe.
Your spiritual garden needs air, water and fertilizer in order to multiply and grow; 
this we read in God’s word and we know.
God does not give us advice about strengthening our serve to really grow, 
ignoring His advice and have only bare ground to show.

Just as in our vegetable garden, where weeds can choke out fragile seeds; 
spiritual lives can be stale, which will be seen by our deeds.
We can be so busy consuming and accumulating that we neglect God’s word, 
God’s word should be life and breath to us, but it has to be heard.
Starving spiritually causes a condition known as “Constant Spiritual Worry."
It attaches to “guilt," you attempt to deflect one sin, starting to hurry.
Thinking if you work hard enough and fast enough, you take stock, begin to say
“It is this fast paced world of living, it leaves you little time to pray.”
Tell God you got caught up in this “Hurry World” and you forget your purpose 
God’s word tells us to willingly submit to his guidance too.
He will even tell us what to do, through His Holy Spirit living within you.

One day this world will all pass away and all that we have known will cease.
Remember the Spirit prepares the soil, God gives the increase.
In order for us to create and consume it should be a daily walk in God’s word, 
Showing Christ living in us, so that it is not us that is heard.
I long for others to see the Spirit, changing, us so that we can become
Partakers of God’s grace, given sacrificially on that cross by His own Son.
The best part of a garden is partaking of its fruits, behold the purpose of the garden!
God’s garden is the people of this world, God sent His Son as the pardon.
We want to be used of God to bring others to Him, we are told the harvest is ripe!

  • John 15:1 &2 ~ I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes it so that it will be even more fruitful.’ 
  • Genesis 2:8 & 9 ~ Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there He put the man he had formed, And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground — trees were pleasing for the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden was the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river watering the garden flowed from Eden.