Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Tap into God’s strength each and every single day.
Start out each morning do not neglect to pray.
Being consistent makes it easier to be resistant.
And Satan and his angels are very persistent.
If you are not on your guard they will attack.
His ways are wily, so be careful, watch your back
Don’t try to tell me there is no Satanic force,
For I have felt his presence and I used my voice.
The moment I sense his interference I then attack.
I tell Him “My God protects me, don’t come back!"

The forces of darkness know our weakest points.
Determined to attack they start work on our hearts.
Satan, the strongest tempter comes around to seek
Our human frailties his arrows can destroy the weak.
If you area trusting God to protect you He will see more
They point them out to you for faith is at the core.
Negate God’s power when it can not only protect but guide.
They see inconsistencies in your walk and draw you aside.
Consistent rhymes with resistant, it tells you what to do.
Resist the devil, quote scripture, and he will flee from you.

He was left here on earth; command him to leave; have faith.
God tells us to have faith, this gives you time to take a breath.
The Spirit was left on this earth to be our adviser and guide..
You need commitment, determine to always follow through.
Walk close to God`s side for the Spirit is always with you.
Burdens are shared in prayer, in fact, leave them all there.
Commitment done consistently over time require much prayer.
Whenever you identify an area that needs improvement, pray.
God gives us a strength that is not of this world but will stay,
The Holy Spirit guides and protects us and shows the way.

You can see it clearly now, we are an equation, simple math.
Be consistent, be resistant to Satan and his cohorts on the path.
Consistency done over time equals success, and more strength.
God is greater than you and I, He knows you need His strength.
The only way to use God’s word is to read it, and be consistent.
When you are shown an area that needs improvement trust, and ask
The Holy Spirit is your guide as you set about your personal task.
Day in and day out this leads to real changes and not led by you.
We grow and we know that He loves us, He told us what to do.
Don’t negate God’s power, it not only protects you it is your guide.

THOUGHT: Christians know their own personal weaknesses, but forget to ask God to
pour out His Spirit upon you. Consistency and being resistant are jobs you can pray for and do.
Satan roars like a lion, but he is not always in your jungle. He is a fallen angel and you can always
pray to the Father to turn your heart towards Him.
  • 1 John 4:4 ~ You belong to God dear children and ask Him to point out Satan’s ways, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in this world.
  • 1 John 4:4 ~ You belong to God Every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
  • Psalm 91:15 ~ When they call upon me, I will answer: I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honour them.
  • Isaiah 65:24 ~ I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs I will go ahead and answer their prayers.
  • James 5:16 ~ The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
  • Mark 10:27 ~ Humanly speaking, it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God.
  • 2 Corinthians 12:9 ~ My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.
  • Psalm 37:5 ~ Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you.