The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
See over there sits your Mrs. Drew
With her three little, ‘giggly, motley crew.'
Thank goodness your children won’t dress like that!
At least not so according to you!
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
The Pastor is running late again today.
The sermon runs on in an endless way.
That means lunch in the oven will have to stay,
Sandwiches watching TV on a tray!
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
Look at the hairs on Mr. Browns’ old sweater!
You’d think that his wife would really know better
Than to send him to Church looking like that!
And it seems to me that he’s really grown fat!
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
Sit up my children and look the other way,
When you get home you’re really going to pay!
No one’s going to judge me and be able to say
That I don’t teach mine how to properly pray!
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
There’s somebody whispering just behind me
Now what an embarrassment that’s going to be!
Children, don’t turn around or people will see
What a poor example you’re reflecting of me!
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
If we sing this chorus just one more time
Slowly pausing softly after each single line,
I’ll mention to Pastor that one should be fine
In a note that I’ll conveniently forget not to sign.
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
The Sermon’s all about giving again today
Couldn’t they go about it some other way!
It seems so ‘tacky’ just to "plead" pay.
Our expenses go up but our wages just stay!
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
The Sound System’s not working as well it should be,
Competing with static, can’t they but see!
More care should be taken it sure seems to me
Hard to let my voice soar so nice and so free.
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
We’ll stop in the hallway, just a minute will do
Careful to by-pass people looking at you.
Just say "Hi" to just a select happy few
You know that our lunch is already past due.
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t judge others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
Church is finally over for one more week
Now quickly out the side door we’re going to sneak.
Our example is what others should consider and seek
See, those not attending are really just weak!
The Pendulum swings in both directions
Don’t look to others for their own imperfections,
Or to be sure yours will come shining through!
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