You will find that poems that are repeated time after time,
Begin to lose all their meaning and scatters their rhyme.
This begins to happen when we pray by wrote to our Lord,
Frequent repetition loses meaning even joined in one accord.
Scriptures too can lose power when it becomes mundane.
Like mutterings and chanting or following another’s refrain.
But memorized scripture is always hidden within your heart,
And the Spirit brings it to mind, words for a brand new start.
The guidelines and passages God has designed just for you,
Not to rule or dominate, but gently guide you in what to do.
God’s word always comes to you like a soft music refrain,
And your heart soars and wants to sing it again and again.
"Thy word was found and I did eat it, and it was unto me
The joy and rejoicing of my heart", Lord let it always be!
You need to search in order to find, and dig into the word.
With hunger, seek out new verses that you have never heard.
Seek and we shall find; like a blind man searching the way.
Knock and it shall be opened unto us, and as we begin to pray
It will be unceasing, and we will want to knock likewise.
If God’s word is a lamp and a light that shows us the way
Shouldn’t we be inspired to read more and called upon to pray?
With words alive from in our hearts and not from any book
For praying should be inspired by the Spirit and not mistook
As taking someone else’s words and claiming them as yours.
God wants your heart, your mind and all your own thoughts too
For His word is all that you need and all that He desires is you!
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