Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Growing Old

God keep my heart attuned to laughter
When youth is done.
When all the days are suddenly gray days
Coming after sun.
God keep me from bitterness and grieving
And self pity.
When life seems over, full of pain and cold,
A duty bound city.
Let my love and joy always be found in You
Searching not for youth.
But always reading from Your holy word
Daily gleanings of truth.
God remind me I am still within Your fold
My soul will not be sold.
God keep me always loving and believing
As I grow old.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Redeeming Christmas

Snarling traffic, faces are too.
Speeding cars, have lots to do.
Hand gesticulations, not so nice.
Parking spots, some not precise.
Busy clerks, with nary a smile.
Hurry on, don’t wait a while!
This is Christmas, push on through.
It is so busy, so much to do.
“Love one another, as I have loved you.”

Christmas lists, charge cards will do.
Otherwise returns are all up to you!
Buying extravagant, have the gold card?
Watching bank balance, so very hard!
Rich food we will bake, including a cake.
Forget the diets, we will all partake.
Think of weight later, get on the scale.
The shock is fattening, when we exhale!
“If your enemy is hungry give him food to eat.”

Flyers come in, more from the stores.
Thrilling pictures with all the “mores”
Sales galore, encouraging us to buy.
Pictures in colour, tempt the browsing eye.
How long before we stop and intercede?
We can together, put out a decree.
Christ is our Christmas, we can all agree!
“Not greedy for money but eager to serve others..”

John 13:34 & 35` :- “A New command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you,
so must love on another. By this all men will know that you are my
you disciples, if you one another.”

Proverbs 23:21 - “For drunkards and gluttons become poor.”

Proverbs 25:21 - “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him
water to drink.”

I Peter 5: 2 - 3 - ”Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as
overseers – not because you must, but because you are willing as God
wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve, not lording
it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Lord, I ask You to quieten my mind.
Removing all of the periphery noise.
Yours, O Lord, is the voice that I seek.
I close my eyes, and focus on breathing.
You, O Lord, are the air that I breathe.
I still my body, and I relax my hands.
You, O Lord are why I raise my hands.
I think on Your word, and I remember.
You, Lord bring needed words to mind.
I praise You, telling of Your goodness.
You, Lord have been gracious unto me.
May the goodness of others shine through.
That they might be an example unto me.
I thank You, Lord for all of my blessings.
You have blessed me far beyond measure.
Touch my heart with the needs of others.
That I might go from here to serve Thee.


‘SERENITY ~ NOW! Next time you feel like screaming say a little prayer. Researchers
at Ohio State University gave college students negative feedback and found those who prayed afterward let go of the grudge they had been holding. “Prayer makes us more likely to give people the benefit of the doubt.” says Professor Brad Bushman, co-author of the study.’

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It is so hard for us to wait.
Even hard to pause and hesitate.
For we rush forth without a prayer
As if our Lord does not wait there.
Yet does His word not to us state
That we should pray and then wait?
For He will guide us in all things.
It is His joy and His help brings
Knowledge we are doing His will.
What peace we’ll have by being still!
If God sees our needs before we ask
His Spirit ready, eager for the task?
Is God’s “Pray without ceasing”
Instruction faith will be increasing?
Our faith will grow, He would know,
Throughout His word He tells us so.

Psalm 91:15 “When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honour them.”

Isaiah 65:24 “I will answer them before they call to me. While they are still talking about their needs I will go ahead and answer their prayers.”

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven.”


James 5:16 “The earnest prayers of a righteous person has great power and produce wonderful results.”

“Trust and see that the Lord is good”

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I hear music when it is not there.
I listen and it becomes a prayer.
For where ‘ere Thy spirit resides
There the music in my soul abides.

I hear music lying down at night.
It doth settle me down aright.
For t’is the Spirit’s gentle way
I’m sure t’is calling me to pray.

I hear music and it sets me free.
For He paid a great price for me.
He sits upon my life’s throne,
Now I need never walk alone.

I hear music such a joyous sound.
It sets my feet upon solid ground.
I pray that it won’t ever silent be
For it reminds me to pray for thee.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


How genuine is my faith if it cannot stand testing?
Testing by fire and not by the seat of my resting.
Is my faith more precious than gold that perishes?
Or do I find that with hardships it then vanishes?
Do I glory in tribulation or succumb to temptation?
Do I patiently wait on God what’ere the duration?
For tribulation we know produces perseverance.
The prayers without ceasing produce consistence.
If we can persevere God says we will have character.
And that longed for character will give us HOPE!

“Thank You for reminding me that You, Almighty God, are in charge, that trials are not pointless, and that eternal rewards await. But a little while and we will be with YOU!”

James 1:4, 1Peter 1: 6 - 7, Romans 5:3 - 4, Lamentations 3:26, Hebrews 10:34 - 36,
2 Thessalonians 2:16 - 17

~ Look them up and be blessed!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Living Strands

Living your life for Christ grows,
Daily dwelling upon His word.
Like strands reaching outward
Touching others with His love.
Sharing faith causes it to grow.
Grasp it to self and it withers.

Living your life for Christ grows.
What is within you surely shows.
Like strands reaching outward
They draw others towards Him.
They in turn want to tell others.
Soon a chorus of praise is raised.

Living your life for Christ grows.
Not a single cell it now multiplies.
Like strands reaching outward
That vital cell builds upon itself,
For God’s word will not return void
This has been His promise to us.

Isaiah 55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” King James Bible - (Exhortation to seek the Lord)

Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword., it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” NIV

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Prayer

It is my joy in life to find
At every turning of the road
The strong arm of a comrade kind
To help me onward with my load.
And since I have no gold to give
And love alone must make amends,
My only prayer, is while I love...
God make me worthy of my friends.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Be the Best

Begin in the morning of each new day.
Determine with God’s help in every way;
Endeavour to be the best that you can be,
So that who you represent everyone can see.
God says the eyes are the window of the soul.
Christ as seen in you is your every day goal.
Don’t measure your life by those that you see,
For it is God Himself that is looking at Thee.
Christ is the overseer guiding what you do.
And it is He alone who sees the “secret you”.

To others your best may not be good enough,
Lay hold of His word when the road is rough.
And rest assured, He says:”Lovest Thou Me?”
“Lovest Thou Me “ more than all that you do?
“Lovest Thou Me” more than acquiring too?
Being your best is having faith that the rest
Left to the Master, it will withstand the test.
For all the trials of this world dost ill afford.
By faith God’s best will bring you accord.
Simply trust in the power of the risen Lord!

N.B. The last three lines of this poem really spoke to my heart, and it is obvious to me in my struggle right now with displaced hips due to the motor vehicle accident.

“Afford” according to the dictionary, can also mean “Without much inconvenience.”

“Accord” can also mean “To agree or harmonize.”

SO “The trials of this world will not cause me inconvenience for if I trust in the power of the risen Lord I will find I have agreement and harmony with Him”. This pain will cause me less inconvenience if I learn to trust in God’s power.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Living For Him

I am working hard to rise above the gratification of me.
But my works are all in vain for it was Jesus that set me free.

I do the work because His love has taken up residence inside
There is no need to wear a mask attempting to pull away and hide.

My deeds come from a desire to show His love for me and to you.
To serve Him, and sing His praises is what He’s created us to do.

I am saved by grace, living by faith, and I am walking in the light.
Wanting to listen to the Spirit’s call to do what is just and right.

I do not have to endeavour to prove anything to my gracious Lord.
For He walked this path Himself and He lived in sweet accord.

His gentle Spirit is what guides me in the way that I should talk.
It is His Spirit that prompts me in the way that I should walk.

Living for Him means dying to self daily and submitting to Him.
That is what keeps the devil from getting a hold and coming in.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Life in the Sun

Sunshine, sand and lollipops.
In the Summer everything stops.
Wait a minute, should that be
God commanded,”Come unto me?"
He did not say, ‘Only on wet days’.
When day has begun, everyone prays.
If you are aspiring to walk in His ways
He promised guidance for the rest of your days.
Remember, life in the Sun has barely begun,
Until eternity calls us we live each day in the Son.

In Summertime all is so sublime.
People’s clocks turn to relaxing time.
But reading God’s word is essential too,
In order to carry us through until Winter is due.
Spiritual food is needed all year through.
Growth will stop if Summer clocks stop too.
Our bodies need rest from every day labour,
But we must remember our God we must savour.
Until eternity calls us our work will never be done.
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, live it for the Son.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


When you sing, sing imagine you are in heaven.
We are redeemed, let us exalt His Holy Name!
When you sing, forget worries that bind you.
This is time to worship, to show Him our love!
When you sing, sweep away all other thoughts.
His Spirit moves you, so let your heart be led.

When you sing, sing as though Christ is among us.
The room is filled with His love, you praise Him.
When you sing, unencumbered, raise your hands.
Or bow your head, just as the Spirit leads, follow.
Do everything in an orderly manner, but sing!
Allow the Spirit to remove distractions from you.

When you sing, don’t look around you, worship Him.
Satan rages when our hearts are focussed upon God.
When you sing God is pleased with our Gift to Him.
Your voice does need to be perfect, to Him you are.
When you sing, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.
This is the time for us all to unite our praises to Him.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Enduring Prayer - Faithful Belief

Whosoever draws nigh to God
He is sure to draw nigh to him.
Whosoever asks something of God
He is sure to be heard and the request
Will be considered with us in mind.

For the Father knows what is best for us
He knows our needs before they are asked.
And each of us requires different answers.
Our greatest exigencies are trust and faith.

Without faith it is impossible to please God,
Without trust we cannot possibly obey Him.
Without a close walk with God we will not hear
What is required of us and what waiting means.

For to wait when an answer does not come,
Therein lies the true test of the believer’s faith.
The believers needs are often met after trials
Are endured and prayer shawls frayed.

Well done thou good and faithful servant
Often comes at the end of a dusty journey.
When the refiners fire has done its work.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Oh Father!

I so miss the ones who have gone on to You!
I know that others feel the same way that I do.

It is not that I’m unsure of seeing them again,
I wish I could spare their loved ones such pain.

I’m not jealous, I know that I’ll soon be with You.
I will be able to greet my loved ones again too!

Life here is just as a breath as Your word says.
I’m assured of life with You one of these days.

Now that I’ve grown in You, realizing Your way,
I know I need to focus on You each and every day.

Being a Christian does not take away all the pain.
It won’t be long; keep me strong ‘til we meet again.

Remind me to pray for those that are left alone,
Give me words to say; You are on Your throne,

You will carry them when they need Your touch.
My prevailing prayer and love can mean so much.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


We only see but a little of the ocean,
A few miles distance from this rocky shore;
But Oh! Out there beyond... beyond the eyes’ horizon
There is more ... there is such more !

We only see a little of God’s loving,
A few rich treasures from His mighty store;
But Oh! Out there beyond ... beyond our life’s horizon
There is more ... there is so much more!

We only see but a brief glimpse of life
A few years living.....just this bodies’ store.
But Oh! Out there beyond... beyond our imagination
There is more....there is so such more!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Walk With Me

Father, quicken mine heart and let it be

Unremitting, Thine always; live in me.

Let my thoughts be fine tuned by You,
Never to deviate from Your works to do.

This is my covenant I set seal unto You.
Father God, come walk with me; now do!

Be my eyes, and sharpen my ears; use me.
Let those who are seeking life look and see

Not me walking with them, let them see Thee.
Spirit Guide walk alongside, and talk to me,

And then let the words of my lips surely be
Ones that are used to lead others to Thee.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You Waited

For so long you patiently waited.
I ran on ahead, doing things my way
Faster don’t you see?
So I ran on ahead
I did not listen for Your gentle voice
Running ahead was my choice.
Far better for me.
Doing things my way, in my own time
That is why I ran on ahead.
You were too slow for me.
I stumbled in my haste, falling on my face.
All because I ran ahead.
I learned of Your amazing grace.
I turned, and in my pain I looked back.
You had waited there for me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You Too Must Weep

Let me not live a life that’s free
From “The Things” that draw me
   Close To Thee...

For how can I ever hope to heal
The wounds of others
   I do not feel ...

If my eyes are dry and I never weep,
How do I know when
   The hurt is deep ...

If my heart is cold
And it never bleeds,
   How can I tell what my sister needs ...

For when ears are deaf
To the beggar’s plea,
And we close our eyes and refuse
   To ever see.

And we steal our hearts
And harden our minds,
And we count it a weakness
   Whenever we’re kind.

We are no longer following
The Father’s Way
Or seeking His guidance
   From day to day ...

For, without “Crosses to carry”
And “Burdens to bear”
We dance through a life
   That is frothy and faith,

And “Chasing the rainbow”
We have no desire
For “Roads that are rough”
   And “realms that are higher” ...

So spare me no heartache
Or sorrow, dear Lord,
For the heart that is hurt
Reaps the richest reward.

And God enters the heart
That is broken with sorrow
As he opens the door
   To a brighter tomorrow.

For only through tears
Can we recognize
The suffering that lies
   In Another’s eyes.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter ~ The Hope

Good Friday, but it was not good at all.

For our Saviour suffered and He died.
He hung there on that cross all day.
After suffering such torture and pain.
He did it all for us, for all mankind.
It was the Hope after all that was good.
Each year we can walk that road again.
Remembering His steps; but we know,
“Those of us who are called by His name,”
“Christ in us, the hope of glory.”
“We can all tell that endless story.”
Again and again we can remember.
We can experience the resurrection.
We can tell others they need not weep,
Not as those that have no hope,
Easter Sunday is our HOPE !

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Happiest Man

Whoso motivates his own work day.

And sleeps at night his heart aright.
He who collects a deserved pay day,
Can see ahead to his heart’s delight.

The happiest heart that ever beat
Lies within a humble man’s breast.
Het finds the morning daylight sweet
And leaves to God in heaven the rest.

The humble man can see God clearly.
His eyes can perceive a better world.
But loving God he may payeth dearly
When worldly darts of doubt are hurled.

Each day we decide how we shall live.
And who is going to possess control.
We all have the opportunity to give
To reach out and touch another soul.

The happiest man, he knows the way,
He rises early to read God’s word,
Endeavouring to live Christ every day.
His faith is a walk, and it is also heard.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Being Grateful

When you look at others and feel that they have more,
And when you compare you sadly think you are poor.
Time to take a walk onto the other side of the street.
Take a look, a good look at everyone that you meet.
“In our daily life we all must see, that it is not happiness
That makes us grateful but gratefulness that makes us happy.”
We need to learn it is the sweet, simple things in life
That are lasting things, not things that cause us strife.
Cosseting our lives, focussing inward will cause a fall.
Living life outside ourselves, giving to God our all.
Gratitude shouting to others a witness loud and clear.
Bold witness that talks to others, faith and not fear.
When we thank God daily for the blessings He gives,
Joy comes back to us proving, that He really lives.
All we have, all we are is due to Him and Him alone,
Being grateful to Christ who did our sins atone.
That is really living as Christ would want us to,
Gratefully submitting to what He would have us do.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


New Life is growing
Bulbs are now showing.
Listen, a robin sings
Oh what joy it brings!
The earth is so alive
Each bud starts to strive
To flaunt its beauty
As if it is its call to duty.
Pussy willows from sleep
For us to cut and keep.
Soon birds will nest
Doing their very best
To create a safe home
`Til its babies are grown.
Soon they will fly away
As adults they never stay.
The frogs now start to sing
They too know it is Spring.
The cycle now anew begins
God`s hand seen in all things.
Creation from large to small
God has designed it all.
How marvellous is His plan
That he created for man.
A world to love and enjoy
Not for us to destroy.
One day Spring will go
The date we will not know.
The signs are all around
Disasters they will abound.
The end times are very near
The earth speaks so severe.
Awake Christians, awake
Do not your faith forsake!
Hold fast to your belief
For rapture comes as a thief.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Until the Sun Turns Red

Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Monsoons and Typhoons.
Earthquakes, Avalanches, Floods and Storms.
Plagues, Famines, and Pestilence.
Strange Diseases as never before.
When will man realize,
These occurrences were prophesied by Thee?

Men in boastful suits, and those in white coats
Peering into microscopes and slides of score.
Learning more, but not enough.
Vague pronouncements of cures.
When will man realize,
These occurrences were prophesied by Thee?

Wars and rumours of wars, armaments abound.
Brothers fight against brothers; killing fields.
Man killing man since time began.
Wars rise up in newest largesse.
When will man realize,
These occurrences were prophesied by Thee?

We have pillaged the lands, destroyed the crops.
Laid waste the oceans and plumaged its depths.
Desecrated our streams and lakes.
Polluted the air that we breath.
When will man realize.
These occurrences were prophesied by Thee?

The clock is ticking down, but we are looking up.
We know not the day nor do we know the hour.
But soon, Lord let it be soon.
We eagerly look for the signs.
When will man realize.
That God is coming back this time to rule as King?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Dedication



Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Two Way Street

Prayer is always a two way street.
Interaction that denies distraction.
Urging you to take time to draw aside.
Simply to be quiet and there to abide.
Forget lists of things there are still to do,
Confession is first for it cleanses you.
Removing those walls you feel are there,
Then the peaceful time that is your prayer.

Your praise reaches right to the ear of Him
That takes and washes away all of our sin.
And the more you find to praise God for
Peace will wash over you like never before.
Your focus changes and the Spirit touches you
To pray for others that are in need of healing.
This moving from self into the church body
Is what we call the transition stage of prayer.

For it is no longer “me” but “we” and “others”
And your requests are for sisters and brothers.
This reaching outside of yourself and your needs
These are the meaningful prayers that intercede.
And as they do, they will begin to change you,
For now you are not “one” but you are many too.
Scores of names the Spirit will bring to your mind
And these are the prayers of the “prevailing kind”.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seeking God, Finding Answers

In seeking God, search like you have lost your wedding rings.
Search like you are trapped beneath a landslide and need air.
Dig into scripture as you would dig into that landslide; dig!

You are unable to swim and suddenly you fall out of the boat.
Think of Jesus being the life ring that God has thrown to you.
The extreme urgency that you feel, the deep need inside yourself,
To strive for that watery surface and obtain air for your lungs.

That is the need you must apply in order to enter the realm of God.
Know that you can find God, and in finding know the power of
His resurrection; that has to be so awesome; so great that it is a
Desert thirst that will only be satisfied by Him and Him alone!

Then you will find the Lord, in every recess of your mind and heart.
Your thought life will be tuned to the dial of a praise station that He
Himself owns, but you can control with the ready turn of a dial.

If you require comfort, He is there, ever ready to give you solace.
If you need reassurance, turn to His Word, it will support you.
He freely gives to all who ask; no need He cannot satisfy, for He
Knows what is best for us, but we have to put our trust in Him.

Everyone that seeketh, He promises they will be found of Him.
He who dares to plunge deep, and in doing so, immerses himself
Hungrily in God’s Word, he eats and is replete; and delves again.

This physical venerate only God Himself can recognize inside you.
He has promised to not only find peace for your soul but rest too!

All the gifts of this universe are ours if we but ask, for our Father
Owns all that we see and that which we cannot see, and His word
Tells us that He can see all our needs before we even ask of Him.
“No good thing will He withhold from him that walks uprightly!
Amen, and Amen!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love Can

God made everyone so different
Love can bring us all together.
God’s love can change our hearts,
And give us all brand new starts.

God made children of all colours.
Love can see past outside skin.
God’s love surpasses racial barriers
And gives us all brand new hearts.

God gave all of us free choices.
Love can lead us to what is right.
God’s love can keep us on right paths.
And give us all brand new starts.

God made this world so different.
Love can unite all Countries new.
God’s love can help us see with His eyes
And give us all brand new hearts.

God desires us to work together,
Love can help us see another’s view.
God’s love can stop the senseless killing
And give us all brand new starts.

God can bring our world together
Love can cause boundaries to fade.
God’s love can help us to love each other.
And give us all brand new hearts.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Est Deus in Nobis

Speak to us Father, that we might learn from You.
If we hearken unto your voice, You will guide us too.
When Your Spirit entered us we changed forevermore.
We wake each morning, eager to know what is in store.
Sensing that You are inside us changes our perspective.
Please take these vessels Lord, for You are our directive.
If we could but realize what power we have inside ourselves.
We would walk and speak with boldness; the Spirit compels.
Est deus in nobis ~ THE GOD INSIDE US

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Refiner's Fire

God refines us with afflictions,
Thus trials and tribulations,
The heart of which separates
Impurities, needless detritus.
Which can be explained as
Un-forgiveness and anger,
Jealousy and resentment,
Those past lingering hurts.
Allow the character of God,
Purity, holiness, acceptance,
To grow and live in our lives,
So the only reason Christian,
To review your past iniquities
And those hurts before Christ
Is to bring you once again
To the cross of Jesus Christ,
Asking Him for forgiveness,
And praising Him for trials.

THOUGHT: Holding on to an offense of un-forgiveness is like holding a debt against someone.

ROMANS; 12:17: Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

You Saw Me

In a regressed condition, You saw me.
I aspired to hide my pain from you,
For the person that I had become
Was not the child that you adopted.
Now, this child was broken, obdurate.
Changed from love and gentleness.
Alive with grievous hurt and chagrin.
But your Spirit came and ministered.
Soothed my rambling and judgments.
And opened up my heart once again,
As a surgeon would correct a defect.
You were aware of my sore heartache..
Easing all my worries, my low esteem.
And You lifted me up, holding me again.
And the miracle of healing began to occur.
All because You saw me and You knew..