Thursday, October 13, 2011


How genuine is my faith if it cannot stand testing?
Testing by fire and not by the seat of my resting.
Is my faith more precious than gold that perishes?
Or do I find that with hardships it then vanishes?
Do I glory in tribulation or succumb to temptation?
Do I patiently wait on God what’ere the duration?
For tribulation we know produces perseverance.
The prayers without ceasing produce consistence.
If we can persevere God says we will have character.
And that longed for character will give us HOPE!

“Thank You for reminding me that You, Almighty God, are in charge, that trials are not pointless, and that eternal rewards await. But a little while and we will be with YOU!”

James 1:4, 1Peter 1: 6 - 7, Romans 5:3 - 4, Lamentations 3:26, Hebrews 10:34 - 36,
2 Thessalonians 2:16 - 17

~ Look them up and be blessed!

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