Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year

The New Year can be a time for our reflection.
Determine to set our path in a new direction.
Apply the scripture gleaned from God’s word.
Messages we were taught, those we have heard

It is a clean white sheet, unmarked by time.
With God’s guidance we write each daily line.
We can confidently walk ahead, head held high.
To daily walk with God, His word we must apply.
Knowledge is superb, but only if it is applied

To our daily walk with Him, in every situation.
And New Year is a chance for our evaluation.
Did we follow through when this year was new?
Resolutions fail, it is what God in you can do.

Rededicate a New Year to God before it starts
It gives us a chance to re-examine our hearts.
Recognize where we failed; confession is good.
God understands, and we’re always understood.

And with a sigh, we can happily say “good-bye”
To 2011, another year that has quickly gone by.
And look forward to what God has in store for us
In 2012, every new day can be for us a ‘plus’.

Storms of life, adversity, no matter the weather.
We put our hand in God’s, face the year together.

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