Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Rush

Rushing and pushing from home to work,
But there is one thing you must not shirk
Stopping to take time out of your busy day
To draw close to God and take time to pray.

Forget all the things that need to be done.
And worship, lifting praise to God’s Son.
Our Christian world has become a race in time.
Sometimes at Christians we need a STOP sign.

Our priorities become jumbled, we need to decide
If we’re too busy for Christ we’ll surely backslide.
The Spirit will call you to take time to pray,
But if you keep ignoring Him each busy day

Soon His voice is quiet and you are in a place
Where you are ashamed to look upon His face.
Don’t let the rush of shopping be all the worth.
Happier you will be focusing on Christ’s Birth.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Is Coming!

Christmas is coming, you can tell by the stores.
There are the lists of the “wants” and the “mores”.
New ideas from last year, better inventions to offer.
More things to entice you to open up your coffer.

Flyers and catalogues come flying through your door.
All of them crying buy more, and yes, you need more!
You look at the pictures and they are hard to ignore,

That is just what all the retailers are hoping will start,
“You see with your eyes and you want with your heart.”
Decorations are all up, listen, the music is blaring!
You see, this type of Christmas gets so very wearing!

The ringing of the ‘tills is what the sellers all need.
Now that expensive promoting has planted the seed.
Their profits are their concerns not your bank book.
Once you walk in the stores they have you on the hook.

You’ll find you are thinking more about abundance now.
And it flits into your mind like its planted somehow.
Could it be that Satan likes this early Christmas too?
Taking the thoughts away from Christ and onto you.

If he can but steal away a few lax brothers and see
If their wallets are out at each retail store, there will be
Little money left to send to missions or to help the poor.
He’s won again this year and his count is up once more!

It is his Master Plan to take Christ right out of Christmas,

That way everyone can join in and they just call it Xmas!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Holy Spirit

Come now Holy Spirit, refresh my life today.
Bring God’s Holy Word to mind when ‘ere I pray.
Open mine eyes I pray, let Thy Spirit see through me.
Let my speech be seasoned with words from Thee.
That I might be a conduit prepared for Thy love..
An outpouring of Thy love must come from above.

Come Holy Spirit talk to me, more settled I will be.
To seek, to find and to follow Thy word tells me
That more confidence and knowledge I will retain.
To have Your word in me is a glorious refrain.
With your word in me I am able to repeat it again.
This I do in obedience to Jesus’ holy  name.


Psalm 34:5 - 8  “ Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces....Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh the joys of those that take refuge in Him,”

Psalm 16:11  “ You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Foxes in the Chicken Coop

Be careful what you find within our church walls.
But be more concerned what travels down our halls.
Search and destroy all grumbling and murmurs.
Don’t just “nod” when you hear negative talk.
                    DO SOMETHING

Let nothing negative pass from your mouth to the body of Christ.
Whenever you are able, testify the positive, build up the body with praise.
Satan does not sit outside our church waiting for permission to come in.
He travels incognito on the backs of unbelief and unconfessed sin.
He moves amongst us, watching and picking things and people apart.
He has plans to divide our church and steal our joyful hearts.
He is a master instigator who will tear our faith apart.
                    DO SOMETHING.

Build up the body with words of approbation.
Let no-one think he is greater than another,
Submit to one another with brotherly love.
Pray, asking God to open your eyes to sin.
                  DO SOMETHING  

Ephesians 4: 3-6 ``Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace .. For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all."

Friday, November 15, 2013

Consider Now

Come now, consider the hammer.
It keeps its head in times of stress,
And it does not fly off the handle.
It keeps pounding diligently away.
It finds the point, then drives it home.
It looks to the other side, and thus
Its decision often clinches the matter
It makes mistakes, but when it does
It often starts its work all over again.
It is the only knocker in the world
That does any mite of good!

Ephesians 2:10  - “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Card Lady

I’m not just a “Card Lady” you know.
I sent you a card so that I can grow.
If  you receive a card from me then you know
I am praying for you and I want it to show.
By telling you in words better than mine,
That I care and will pray until you feel fine.

When I pray I feel especially close to the Lord,
About the needs of others we are in accord.
The Spirit moves in such marvelous ways,
He moves mightily for us when we pray.
It is not just a card that comes your way,
I will pray over you figuratively every day.

Your name is written down in our “BOOK”.
It will stay there until a better outlook.
Occurs for you, may our Lord grant it too.
Better days ahead is my prayer for you.
Don’t just throw out the card, read, it again.
Words can be a blessing, prayer reduces pain.


Psalm 91:15  “When they call on me, I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honour them.”
Isaiah 65:24  “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers.”
James 5:16  “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”

2 Corinthians 3:5  “It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification come from God.”

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

These Things I Pray

Lord, please keep far from me all pettiness and greed.
Cause me to be large in giving, gentle in word and deed.
Rid from me all self-serving acts and pious fault-finding
Help me to remove all pretense, let my words be minding

Of my neighbours needs, that I can greet him face to face,
Never hasty in judgment, mindful of Your saving grace.
Holy Spirit teach me how to be calm, serene and gentle.
Never let me become lax, just willing to sit and settle.

For I was saved to serve; keep Your word in my mind.

And, Oh Lord, help me to remember always to be kind!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Daily Prayer

Heavenly Father, keep me from all pettiness and greed,
And cause me to be large in giving, word and deed.
Rid me of all self-serving actions and fault finding.
Help me put away all pretense, ensure my words are minding
Of my neighbours needs, that I might greet him face to face.
Never hasty in my judgments, ever mindful of Your amazing grace.
Holy Spirit teach me how to be calm, serene, gentle and kind.
That I might see that all my needs I can look to you and find.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

These Things I Pray

Lord, please keep far from me all pettiness and greed.
Cause me to be large in giving, gentle in word and deed.
Rid from me all self-serving acts and pious fault-finding
Help me to remove all pretense, let my words be minding
Of my neighbours needs, that I can greet him face to face,
Never hasty in judgment, mindful of Your saving grace.
Holy Spirit teach me how to be calm, serene and gentle.
Never let me become lax, just willing to sit and settle.
For I was saved to serve; keep Your word in my mind.

And, Oh Lord, help me to remember always to be kind!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Together We Can

We are one body made up of many parts.
More helpers always make light work.
There is but one God and one Spirit.
Working through us, He will use us.
Unity of purpose, seeking more of Him.
Searching for the lost, counting the cost.
Praying for growth, feeding on the word.
Serving the Lord, all in one accord.
Together we all can reach every man.
Lips that praise, hands quick to serve.
Feet swift to spread God’s good news.
This church has but one foundation.
The chief cornerstone is Jesus Christ.
We are brothers and sisters in the Lord.
He gives us power to live in one accord.
Together we can unite and Satan fight.
Aspire, we will grow, for together we can!

Corinthians 2:10 - 12  -  “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no-one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.”

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Just One Hour

What can you list to do with just one hour?
Fill your mind with songs and feel God’s power.
You can pray for the sick, give alms to the poor.
And still have time left to praise God more!
Take time to really listen to someone in need.
Then go ahead and perform a “secret deed”.
Get out God’s Holy Word and read awhile.
Read lifting passages that will make you smile.
When the Spirit speaks you respond to His call.
Remember, if Jesus is the supreme Lord of all.                  
All your hours can be readily used by Him.
To waste time on foolish things really is a sin.
To use an hour that is led by God’s Spirit
Extends that time because God is in it!

Zephaniah 3: 14 - 20     
“The Lord your God is in your midst, the Mighty One will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing.”    

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Taking Time

I love to take time and just close my eyes,
And wait expectantly as if for a surprise.
Sometimes Lord you’re right before my eyes.
Jesus never leave my side, I need our daily talks.
The beauty of Your Spirit is we can talk as I walk.
Walking in the Spirit is a secret to those around.
Talking with my Lord is where peace can be found.

Take time to pray, it helps bring God near to you.
Read His word, you will grow stronger if you do.
Build yourself a little fence of trust around today.
Fill your space with loving deeds and therein stay.
Don’t think ahead and worry about tomorrow,
God will help you bear what comes of joy or sorrow.

Set your focus on Him and learn how to follow.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In Secret

Lord, I want to serve Thee quietly.
Not seeking praise, I remain unknown.
Led by the Spirit, Christ on the throne.
Service done to bring glory to You.
There is no greater joy I can ever do.
Thankful to be a secret worker for you.

Lord, I want to serve, name unknown.
I want to reach others, but only as You lead.
I’ll pray that the Spirit will lovingly intercede.
So I don’t run ahead and His plans impede.
Holy Spirit be my guide, stay by my side.
Wherever I go I need You by my side.

It is your constant love that guideth me.
For Christ died that others might see,
The reality of Christ living through me.
And see the joy I have in serving Thee.
I want to be, an empty vessel for You to fill.

Waiting for You to show me Your will.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Lord, lead me to some soul today,
Then Holy Spirit, just how I should pray.
Teach me patience as I wait upon Thee.
Let it be You that speaks through me.

If I truly believe in a living, saving God,
I should be prepared, my shoes already shod.
Ready to give answers to people who ask me
Why I believe that Christ has liberated me.

My heart’s desire is to win someone to You.
But oft times I despair at what I fail to do.
Not waiting to pray I run ahead of Thee,
Patience flees from me and I fail to see

Deeper, still deeper into the words of Thee
That is where my thoughts should always be.
Away from the world’s conception of living,
Reaching out to others that is really living.

A kind word here, a helping hand  there.
‘That is the witness you want me to share.
A word in season that is spoken to me,
Your Spirit has the key to set men free.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

He Is Alive

Jesus of Nazareth
Rose from the dead.
For to deliver me
From death’s dread.

The future was once
Clouded and unsure.
But now it beckons
With a radiance pure.

We don’t deserve
A future so bright.
In Christ alone is
Our eternal light.

He bore my sins
On Calvary’s tree,
To save and create
A brand new me!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Oh Lord, I praise you for all You have done.
For giving us life by sending Your Son.
When I think of Thee, I begin to praise.
I feel such joy, my hands I will raise.

This is our time, Your Spirit talks to me.
Needs are all around, and I want to see
Those who are searching, those who are lost,
I want to tell them, Christ paid the cost.

Eternity is theirs, help me show the way.
Praying is first,, please tell me what to say..

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh My Wonderful Lord!

When I kneel and close my eyes to pray,
In the morning, the beginning of each new day.
I am a supplicant, thirsty for Thy living water.
Ready to sup nourishment as a loving daughter.
Thy Spirit falls on me as I praise Your name.
With joy my heart sings,; I am never the same..
You send Your word to savour, filling my mind.
Promises You gave us, my God You are so kind!

Names of the needy You always send my way.
And their needs, not always known, but I pray.
You know their needs, and I trust Your way.
My responsibility is to perceive how to pray.
I thank You for the lessons I have learned.
You gave me new life, one that was not earned.
I rise up refreshed ready to face each new day

You gave me new life, one that was not earned.
I think of Calvary where You paid the price.
I will praise You forever, my living Christ.
I never like to miss the times that I pray.
When I read Your word, I do not stray.
It is food for my soul and strengthens me.
So I can become who You want me to be.
Oh, my wonderful Lord!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tread Softly

Tread softly as you walk through this coming year.
New days mark easily leaving ones direction unclear.
To walk into a future without Christ is a fearful thing,
I would not want to risk His guidance for anything.

Wayward decisions leave marks so hard to erase
Then shame draws you away from His loving face.
‘Tis better to start the New Year as you mean to go on,
Putting God’s word first, and trusting in His Son.

Hand in hand you can then face the coming year.
Come wind or storm face challenges without fear.
It is so secure to know that what e'er you face
Nothing will defeat you with God’s amazing grace!

Ephesians 2:6-9 “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not of works, so that no one can boast.”   NIV

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Letter to Satan

Away, away, away with Thee,
O Devil, thou worker of iniquity!
You, who desires my soul for hell.
My Saviour always protects me well.

To those who hear what God says.
You try to work in devious ways
So that you can take the seeds away.
The ones that God has sown to stay

Deep within the heart of new believers.
When trouble comes you joyfully know.
You choke the Word so it cannot grow.
And some give up the fight with you.

Flee from me, I have power given to me.
I command you to depart, Christ set me free.
Christ’s blood shed on Calvary is my power.
I can command you to depart this very hour.

I am Christ's, bought with great power.
You will never choke my faith and devour.
The roots that run deep within my heart.
For I will never lose my faith and depart.

I know you are deceitful and untruthful.
What you want is our children youthful.
But with God’s guidance we‘ll protect
And Christ will watch and a wall erect.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Good Book

Set forth in yonder precious book,
Its cover worn, its pages turned.
Ensconced on the shelf in reverence
Is written advice to suffice a man
‘Til his way he sees clear to heaven.

It tells of selfish pride and lust,
And sins that grow like leaven.
It warns of pitfalls ahead of you,
Each prayer of protection is given,
Alas the book is useless if unopened!

It can sit on that shelf dusted bare.
God’s word is to you a free repast,
Set out for all to digest and grow.
Reach out and open its pages wise
And learn God’s plan of Salvation.
