Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh My Wonderful Lord!

When I kneel and close my eyes to pray,
In the morning, the beginning of each new day.
I am a supplicant, thirsty for Thy living water.
Ready to sup nourishment as a loving daughter.
Thy Spirit falls on me as I praise Your name.
With joy my heart sings,; I am never the same..
You send Your word to savour, filling my mind.
Promises You gave us, my God You are so kind!

Names of the needy You always send my way.
And their needs, not always known, but I pray.
You know their needs, and I trust Your way.
My responsibility is to perceive how to pray.
I thank You for the lessons I have learned.
You gave me new life, one that was not earned.
I rise up refreshed ready to face each new day

You gave me new life, one that was not earned.
I think of Calvary where You paid the price.
I will praise You forever, my living Christ.
I never like to miss the times that I pray.
When I read Your word, I do not stray.
It is food for my soul and strengthens me.
So I can become who You want me to be.
Oh, my wonderful Lord!

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