Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Thoughts of Calvary

When I think of Golgotha’s Hill I think of Christ’s Pain.
The fear that the Disciples had, “Will we see Jesus again?”
When I think of the cross I think of the hammer and nails.
The pounding into the flesh, into the feet and hands it impales.

I feel for Christ’s followers, wanting Jesus to come down,
To call His angels, to reap vengeance, “Please climb down!”
Thoughts of calling upon His angels to reap vengeance, chaos.
This was their Redeemer, and this was His end, the cruel cross!

I think of those hardened soldiers, drinking, mocking Jesus,
“If you are the Son of God come down, jeering, so grievous!
I am angry at the soldiers who cast lots over Jesus’ garments.
Torn, bloodied, raiment's that spoke of beatings, stench of sweat
I picture those garments, soaked from sweat, such a cold mind-set!

To roll dice while someone up above suffers, breathing laboured.
That memory stays with me, He was chosen, but not favoured.
He suffered alone, yet said nothing, the stretching to gain air.
So great a cost, I shudder at that final indignity, it was so unfair.

That final indignity,“It is finished”, yet for us He willingly died!
Such a small sentence said it all, for all heard, His voice cried
And though dead they still plunged that sword into His side
The blood and water that seeped out, showed a broken heart.
Through the ages, for the “unknown us”, His love He did impart.

Imagine his mother and followers, weeping, taking His body down.
Weary and depressed, they removed that mocking painful crown.
Too tired to prepare the body properly they wrapped up His body,
The final preparations waited, for this was the Jewish Sabbath.
Their hearts and eyes were closed to this man from Nazareth!

How helpless they felt when that stone was rolled into place!
No-one could move it, for the laying out, they could not efface
The Roman seal, so scared of the prophesy, on threat of death
Guards stood by all night, but someone slept or did not stay,
Early the next morning the women came, the stone rolled away! 
John 19::35 ~ “The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe. These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: Not one of his bones will be broken, and, as another scripture says, “They will look on the one they have pierced.”

Luke 23: 44 49 ~ “It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining, . And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” When he had said this, he breathed his last. The centurion seeing what had happened, praised God and said, Surely this was a righteous man. When all the people who had gathered to witness this sight saw what took place, they beat their breasts and went away. But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things.”  

SEE: Zechariah  2:10~  

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