Abide, such a gentle word that inter-connects with reside.
For if we ”reside in Christ” it means we constantly abide.
You find your thoughts remain focussed on Jesus every day.
You start your morning with thoughts of Him and you pray.
As you focus on Christ, the more the Spirit shows the way
Listen to the Spirit’s voice, you learn new things every day.
You agree to abide in Chris, for is a restful place to be.
Suddenly your eyes are open, the needs of others you see.
Abiding is residing close to the one you love and serve.
His Spirit gives you confirmation, suddenly you observe
Needs not met, a hurt not healed and grief so defeating.
Abiding is not just “resting,” it is also openly “trusting”.
Jesus said to take His yoke upon us; His burden is light.
But that only occurs when we tell “self” to take flight.
Putting others first, and giving God the reigns to lead.
For an oxen’s yoke is useless if they will not concede.
The Spirit is the “Driver” in our life, He leads the way.
Since abide also means “to submit to” we need to say:
“Lord I want to abide in You while I work for You today.”
It is not a sitting, resting action, but a desire to obey.
Think today of abiding as making a conscious act.
You will find you begin to pray as you start to interact,
God’s love will come shining through, not up to you.
Rest in the knowledge that the Spirit is coming through.
Remember that “yoke” that two oxen used to carry?
After a while they were used to it, and did not tarry.
They received much praise when they pulled in unison.
They did not feel the yoke upon them, it was a lesson.
- Thought: We will feel deep rest inside ourselves when we abide in Christ, because The Spirit will give us confirmation when we are working in Unison with Him. ~ A TED Tal
- Further Thought: Men are often blamed because they refuse to ask for directions when they are lost or do not know the way. That is not the case with the Holy Spirit, we just have to pray.
- ABIDE is an Old English word signifying progressively: to await, remain, lodge, sojourn, dwell, continue, endure. It is spoken of in the Old Testament and in Hebrews 12.
- Acts 20:23 ~ I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me.
- John 14:23 ~ Jesus replied, ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
- John 14:26 ~ But the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
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