Thursday, July 23, 2009


Like a single-celled amoeba multiplying, demanding more.
Time wasted in a gerbil wheel whirling around on the floor.
It permeates your mind capturing each and every thought,
Holding it for ransom as your mind spins all for nought.

Fingering worry beads will not alleviate your ceaseless fretting,
You cannot tie up your worries in a bag made out of netting.
When worries inhabit your head God cannot feed your soul
Scattered minds allow no Godly focus for Him to make you whole.

Priorities not aligned with God’s and they are overwhelming you.
Until finally in desperation you cry out to God to see you through.
Remembering the times before on His promises you’d laid claim
You bowed your head in shame and wept reiterating His name.

Our God is faithful, and He is love, and He supplies our need.
And all that worry and fretting does it to give the Devil heed.
Worry is one of the Devil’s tools to keep you pre-occupied
When you gave your life to Christ that worry should have died.
Being secure in Him is allowing Him to be your guide.

Casting all your cares upon Him is the way it ought to be
It is the only way you can walk this life and finally be free.
If God is on the throne of your life Your burdens should be light,
And He will win the battle of worry if you let Him be your sight.

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